I must say that I was shocked! Like everyone else I expected that the race would be tight maybe even a three wayish tie. I also thought that however it shook out, Clinton would have won. What I did not anticipate was that Obama would have win by 38% and that Clinton would end up in third place.
Okay, if I am honest I was skeptical that a state that is 96% White would go with Obama. When he made his speech last night it was surreal--- Barack, Michelle and their two daughters being cheered by a sea of White folks. Race aside, if that is possible, the family was young and fresh...there was an air of optimism that engulfed them. For that brief moment in time, the United States could forget that our reputation is mud around the world, we are bogged down in a war in Iraq and at home folks are scared about their financial future e.g. job security, high energy costs and lack of affordable healthcare ---we could actually see someone who could help us to turn the page toward a better tomorrow.
Now, don't get me wrong, I am not sure that Obama's candidacy has to legs to win the nomination, it would be premature and foolish to count the Clintons out. The Clintons have money, an infrastructure and the willingness to play hardball with supporters (and possible defectors). What Obama's win does say is that people desperately want change and that may prove lethal for Hillary. I am not of the school that I have got to like a politican, I don't want to have coffee with him or her, I want the person to be a good and thoughtful leader. For me this means that I have got to be able to buy-in to his/her vision. So I am not concerned that Hillary is not a rousing speaker and is a little stiff. What bothers me is that it's simply unclear to me (and seemingly many others) what Hillary's vision for the country is. Moreover, she not allowed the press near her (her campaign would not even provide the press with buses in IA), so there has been little room to receive direct and un-spun information. When she does say something, it is a lot of doubletalk. For instance her tortured answer regarding NY Governor Spritzer's derailed plan to give illegal alien drivers licenses was painful to listen to.
Essentially Hillary has been riding on Bill's coattails yet she expects voters to feel confident about her abilities to run the country independent of Bill. Throughout her campaign I have been struck by the duality of her message, which has undercut her credibiity. Hillary touts the phantom experience that she gained as First Lady---not as a cabinent member or even a business leader. As comedian Chris Rock said recently at Madison Square Garden, he's been married for 10 years, but if his wife got on stage, she would not be funny. Experience is not transferrable nor does it come through osmosis. When Clinton ran for office folks were leery about a co-Presidency and that wariness has not dissipated. If Hillary is really about change and straight talk---you should probably stop Bill from campaigning for her.
Well it's on to New Hamphire....it's about to get hot up in here.
Friday, January 4, 2008
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